
How to Win at Roulette

Now and then I meet an individual who confides in me that their mate has a winning roulette system but most people know it simply can’t exist.

That being said, there are different types of players or punters as we call them in the trade. Some of them are actually quite dangerous, especially if they have unlimited funds. Apart from them, there are punters who will know when the time is right to put a bet on and they’ll not be scared to load it on either! They are the dangerous ones, the DP’s because if they do get a decent win early on they can do a lot of damage especially if their luck continues.

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Yes of course luck comes into it – roulette is a game of chance but equally as important, the crux of the matter is not so much ‘how to bet’ but ‘when to bet’, when to ‘load up’ and ‘go with the roll’.

Of course, there are those that get a thrill from placing a chip or two on an even chance bet. Long lasting entertainment, a tenner could last all evening. They might even leave a few quid up.

The DP however will go big or go home. Typically, they’ll buy in for three or four stacks of chips, betting them all on their first spin. They’ll put a good few on around six or eight numbers, decorating the surrounding splits and corners (to ease the pain and give them chance of a smaller payout at least). ‘No more bets’, the ball drops and finds an empty space on the table. The DP buys in again, repeating the process.

This could occur three or four times but sooner or later one of two things will happen:
Their gambling ‘pot’ is empty – the amount they had decided to play with that night is gone and they leave the table.
The croupier spins one of the loaded numbers. This gives the DP a very playable return and they continue to play loading their numbers even more. Other players may look on in wonder, asking themselves ‘how is this person so lucky?’.

Well, you have to speculate to accumulate I always tell them and with fun casinos of course there’s no danger, no risk but games with DP’s are still very exciting – most croupiers love them. We all love a winner and fun casino croupiers especially so. We do our best to educate the novice and encourage the experienced to bring out the best in the art of betting.

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Winning at roulette is entirely possible then if you have brought Lady Luck with you and you have the courage of your convictions – you’ll have a good pop! As examples, I’ll tell you about three DP’s who played on my tables last month. The first was at a corporate Christmas party where the player in question seemed to have accumulated an never-ending supply of fun money. Every spin he changed notes for chips, loading his numbers as they do and the croupier managing to find empty numbers spin after spin. Eventually he started getting results, the first was a beautiful picture bet (croupiers learn to recognize totals in patterns of bets) with three on the number, splits and corners, a pay-out of $2025. That was just the start of it – and he certainly gave our croupier a run for his money!
The second and third both happened on the same night – New Year’s Eve. Player one changed the $100 fun notes for chips, bet his numbers with them and got no return. He changed another three, then another three, shrugged his shoulders and left.

Player two – only became a DP after taking my advice. With fun casinos, when the last three spins are announced, the gaming stops and guests are asked to hand in their winnings – the highest gets a prize. So, and this often is the case, players will be reluctant to bet all their chips on the last three spins. Why? I ask them – you can’t take them with you when you go so you might as well go out in style. I ALSO advise them how that DP would do it – by choosing a half a dozen or so numbers and betting on the nose. So much more fun and excitement. The last spin – the wheel is stopped. Groans of course from the losers but player two – with a last bit of luck had bet six chips on the winning number, a 210 piece win totaling $1050! Of course there was no cash involved – but I do hope she enjoyed the large bottle of Grey Goose Vodka the Host presented her with.

My last bit of New Year advice: book a fun casino with my company ‘Aces Fun Casinos’ for your party entertainment, a guaranteed success and finally, if you’re going to gamble for real– ‘never bet more than you can afford to lose’.